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Single transphyseal position screw for carpal valgus deviation: an unusual complication in 2 foals
Incarceration of small intestine through the gastrosplenic ligament: 17 cases
Risk factors for incisional complications after exploratory celiotomy in horses: do skin staples increase the risk?
Kyste osseux sous chondral secondaire à une synovite infectieuse de la bourse biciptale chez un Quarter Horse de 10 ans
Lésions ostéochondrales atypiques chez un cheval frison de 4 ans
Infection des plaies de céliotomie chez le cheval: les agraphes augmentent-elles le risque?
Complications after exploratory celiotyomy in the horse: do staples increase the risk presented at the resident forum
Cardiorespiratory effects of enoximone in anaesthetised colic horses
Distal limb cast sores in horses: risk factors and early detection using thermography
Distal limb cast sores in horses : risk factors and early detection using thermography