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‘Winter camp’ 1917 : integrated conflict archaeology on the Messines Ridge 1914-1918 (Belgium)
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Prospecting World War One conflict landscapes with non-invasive soil sensing techniques : geophysical exploration of the former Western Front in Belgium
(2019) -
Evaluation of fluxgate magnetometry and electromagnetic induction surveys for subsurface characterization of archaeological features in World War 1 battlefields
Revealing the preservation of First World War shell hole landscapes based on a landscape change study and LiDAR
Using the past to indicate the possible presence of relics in the present-day landscape : the Western Front of the Great War in Belgium
The archaeology of World War I tanks in the Ypres Salient (Belgium) : a non-invasive approach
Using geophysical sensors to look under the ground
Scanning the landscape with lasers
A conflict of one hundred years ago as a challenge for spatial development today : the conservation of WWI-heritage
Een blik in de bodem met geofysische sensoren