- 0000-0003-1648-8795
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Surrogacy at the fertility frontier : rethinking surrogacy in Israel/Palestine as an (anti)colonial episteme
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Introduction : global fertility chains and the colonial present of assisted reproductive technologies
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Global fertility chains : an integrative political economy approach to understanding the reproductive bioeconomy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The in/visible wombs of the market : the dialectics of waged and unwaged reproductive labour in the global surrogacy industry
Marx in utero : a workers’ inquiry of the in/visible labours of reproduction in the surrogacy industry
Staakt-het-vuren is geen oplossing voor het structurele geweld tegenover Palestina
(2021) www.knack.be. -
Van vraagouder tot draagmoeder : de babybusiness tussen Israël en Georgië
Sociale reproductie en het feminisme van de 99%
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
I6 passages : on the reproduction of a human embryonic stem cell line from Israel to France
The Academic Manifesto : the situation in Flanders