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- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Advanced high strength steels : improved properties by design of textures and microstructures
Isothermal transformations in advanced high strength steels below martensite start temperature
Effect of Q&P parameters on microstructure development and mechanical behaviour of Q&P steels
Study of heat treatment parameters and kinetics of quenching and partitioning cycles
Effect of microstructure on fatigue behavior of advanced high strength steels produced by quenching and partitioning and the role of retained austenite
Global and local deformation behavior and mechanical properties of individual phases in a quenched and partitioned steel
Factors influencing the austenite stability during tensile testing of Quenching and Partitioning steel determined via in-situ electron backscatter diffraction
The influence of ultra-fast annealing prior to quenching and partitioning on the microstructure and mechanical properties
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Influence of quenching and partitioning parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of advanced high strengt steels
(2015) -
Orientation dependence of the martensite transformation in a quenched and partitioned steel subjected to uniaxial tension