dr. Anne Dekkers
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Exploring essential components of addiction recovery : a qualitative study across assisted and unassisted recovery pathways
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'Personal recovery depends on NA unity' : an exploratory study on recovery-supportive elements in Narcotics Anonymous Flanders
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Pathways to addiction recovery : exploring personal experiences and support needs
(2020) -
Perspectives on addiction recovery : focus groups with individuals in recovery and family members
Perspectives of cocaine users on addiction recovery : a qualitative study following a CRA + vouchers programme
Naar herstelondersteunende zorgsystemen
Herstel van verslaving : achtergrond en situering
Recovery through the eyes of drug treatment court clients
Parental substance use and associated risks for children’s development: a review of the literature and available data from Belgium
Kieft by Michel Van Egmond, Meppel: Voetbal