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Essays on land and credit markets : the Southern Low Countries, 1400-1900
(2023) -
Land rights, local financial development and industrial activity : evidence from Flanders (nineteenth-early twentieth century)
The rural land market in early modern inland Flanders and Brabant : a long run perspective
The use of perpetual annuities in rural Brabant in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries
Als een goede huisvader? Beleggen in stedelijke schuld te Antwerpen (16de -18de eeuw)
Some methodological considerations on property rights and the market for land in Flanders and Brabant
Land rights, land prices and banks: explaining intraregional divergences in industrial activity: the case of Flanders (19th – 20th century)
Neo-feudalism or pre-capitalism? Some methodological considerations on the peasant land market in Flanders and Brabant
Public or private interests? The investment behaviour of public officials in Antwerp during the early modern period
Van gemeenschapsgoed naar privaat bezit? Bosbeheer in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw : casus De Arenbergs