- 0000-0002-8956-5678
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Do all roads lead to Rome? An ideal-type study on trajectories of resilience in advanced cancer caregiving
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Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving promoted by an intimate partner’s support network : insights through the lens of complexity science : a framework analysis
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Trapped in a double cage : how patients' partners experienced the diagnosis of advanced cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Trapped in a double cage : how patients’ partners experience the diagnosis of advanced cancer in times of the COVID-19 pandemic : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
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Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving : a systematic review and meta-synthesis
Hoe het teleconsult vlot laten verlopen? Stappenplan volgens het Leuvense consultatiemodel
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Resilience in palliative cancer caregiving
(2020) Abstracts from the 11th EAPC World Research Congress Online, 7th – 9th October 2020. In Palliative Medicine 34(Supplement 1). p.162-162 -
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Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving
(2020) BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE. In British Journal of General Practice 70(Supplement 1). -
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Resilience in family caregivers of patients diagnosed with advanced cancer : unravelling the process of bouncing back from difficult experiences : a hermeneutic review
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Veerkracht-beïnvloedende factoren op middelbare leeftijd bij partners van palliatieve patiënten met kanker