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MRI-based synthetic CT for assessment of the bony elements of the sacroiliac joints in children
ESR essentials : imaging of sacroiliitis : practice recommendations by ESSR
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- open access
Evaluation of virtual grid processed clinical pelvic radiographs
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Baseline chest computed tomography for diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients with acute myeloid leukaemia treated with intensive chemotherapy : a retrospective single‐centre cohort study
Association of anatomical variants of the sacroiliac joint with bone marrow edema in patients with axial spondyloarthritis
Patronen van longinfectie en de (on)zin van CT
Spleen function is reduced in individuals with NR5A1 variants with or without a difference of sex development : a cross-sectional study
AI-based synthetic CT generation from MR images : a promising technique in lumbar spine and pelvic bone imaging
(2023) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Neural network algorithm for detection of erosions and ankylosis on CT of the sacroiliac joints : multicentre development and validation of diagnostic accuracy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Neural network algorithm for detection of erosions and ankylosis on CT of the sacroiliac joints : multicentre development and validation of diagnostic accuracy