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Fluorescence-assisted real-time study of magnetically immobilized enzyme stability in a crossflow membrane bioreactor
Modelling sugarcane vinasse processing in an acidogenic reactor to produce hydrogen with an ADM1-based model
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Towards improved membrane fouling modelling : from an empirical to a spatially explicit framework
(2019) -
Impact of a helical ridge within a tubular membrane channel on fluid flow and particle behaviour : a model-based analysis
Impact of a helical ridge within a tubular membrane channel on fluid flow and particle behavior : a model-based analysis
Understanding the effects of bulk mixing on the determination of the affinity index : consequences for process operation and design
PCA as tool for intelligent ultrafiltration for reverse osmosis seawater desalination pretreatment
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Spatio-temporal modelling of filter cake formation in filtration processes
Towards improved membrane fouling modelling: from an empirical to a spatially explicit framework
Spatio-temporal modelling of filter cake formation in membrane bioreactors