prof. dr. ir. Tiemen Strobbe
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Meer nauwkeurige energiebesparingsvoorspellingen voor woningen: een pragmatische BIM-aanpak zowel met als zonder eigen BIM-model
Automatic architectural style detection using one-class support vector machines and graph kernels
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Shape recognition for ships : World War I naval camouflage under the magnifying glass
A graph-theoretic implementation of the Rabo-de-Bacalhau transformation grammar
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Computer-aided exploration of architectural design spaces: a digital sketchbook
(2015) -
A semi-automatic approach for the definition of shape grammar rules
Using a building information modelling approach for teaching about residential energy use and official energy performance
Enrichment of single-zone EPB-data into multi-zone models using BIM-based parametric typologies
Toward a visual approach in the exploration of shape grammars
Shape grammars for architectural design: the need for reframing