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A thiolactone strategy for straightforward synthesis of disulfide-linked side-chain-to-tail cyclic peptides featuring an N-terminal modification handle
Cyclisation of peptides via a thiolactone strategy
Covalently locking nucleic acid structures by the inducible furan cross-linking strategy: new application
Covalently locking nucleic acid structures by the inducible furan cross-linking strategy: new application
Furan oxidation cross-linking: a new chemical approach for the study and targeting of protein and nucleic acids interactions
Furan oxidation cross-link methodology: towards new approaches in antigene and antisense strategy
Peptidosteroid tweezers revisited: DNA binding through an optimised design
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Peptide-DNA interactions : a study using protein models and the furan-oxidation cross-link methodology
(2014) -
A mildly inducible and selective cross-link methodology for RNA duplexes
A synthetic oligonucleotide model for evaluating the oxidation and crosslinking propensities of natural furan-modified DNA