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Media logic revisited : the concept of social media logic as alternative framework to study politicians' usage of social media during election times
Who is leading the campaign charts? Comparing individual popularity on old and new media
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Social media logic meets political communication : how social media are changing the dynamics among politics, the media and the public
(2016) -
How second-order is the regional level? An analysis of tweets in simultaneous campaigns
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Where has the news gone? A network approach to secondary gatekeeping on Twitter in The Netherlands and Belgium
@THEVIEWER: analyzing the offline and online impact of a dedicated conversation manager in the newsroom of a public broadcaster
The changing dynamics of television consumption in the multimedia living room
'Continuous connectivity': the role of social media in connecting politicians with traditional media and their voters/the public
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Social media =/= publieke opinie
(2015) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Political communication in the era of new technologies