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Homophobic violence, coping styles, visibility management and mental health : a survey of Flemish lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals
The relationship between childhood gender nonconformity and experiencing diverse types of homophobic violence
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Ontsnap jij aan homofoob geweld? : een onderzoek naar de antecedenten en uitkomsten van homofoob geweld in Vlaanderen
(2015) -
Coping with antigay violence: in-depth interviews with Flemish LGB adults
‘Sexual minorities’ experiences with homophobic violence: the role of gender and childhood gender nonconformity
(2015) -
Gender differences in mental health correlates of homophobic violence
Homophobic violence, coping styles, visibility management and mental health: a survey of Flemish lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals
Sexual and gender minorities' experiences with homonegative violence
Coping with antigay violence: in-depth interviews with LGB adults
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Geweld tegenover holebi's II: een online survey over ervaringen met holebigeweld in Vlaanderen en de nasleep ervan
(2014) p.1-133