ir.-arch. Simon De Nys-Ketels
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- Conference Paper
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Système Grévisse. The Lubumbashi post-war housing scheme, between colonial guidelines and reality.
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Myths and realities of the belgian medical model colony : a genealogy : PhD thesis in Architectural Sciences and Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Johan Lagae, Luce Beeckmans, and Koenraad Stroeken (UGent), Ghent University, November 2021
Colonial policing and urban space in the notorious Commune Rouge of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
A hospital typology translated : transnational flows of architectural expertise in the Clinique Reine Elisabeth of Coquilhatville, in the Belgian Congo
(2021) ABE JOURNAL. -
Myths and realities of the Belgian medical model colony : a genealogy
(2021) -
Pedestrian itineraries in Kinshasa : on shortcuts, permeable walls, and welded shut gates in a former colonial hospital
Spatial governmentality and everyday hospital life in colonial and postcolonial DR Congo
Planning Belgian Congo’s network of medical infrastructure : type-plans as tools to construct a medical model-colony, 1949–1959
Everyday resistance : exposing the complexities of participatory slum-upgrading projects in Nagpur
Exploring the conceptualization and design of “IEP-Sites” : SSE initiatives aiming for an Inclusive economic participation within Flemish urban cities