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Lof op Homeros : boekepigrammen in Byzantijnse manuscripten
Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams
(2023) -
John (the Writer) : a metrical colophon on John Klimax’s Ladder of divine ascent
(2022) The visual culture of later Byzantium (1081-c.1350). In Sources for Byzantine Art History 3.II. p.1399-1407 -
De antieke fabel : wie het leeuwenvel past trekt het aan
Concluding a patristic triad : critical edition of Athanasios's book Epigram (Mosquensis Synodalis gr. 145)
The visual representation of the formulaic colophon verse τῷ συντελεστῇ τῶν καλῶν θεῷ χάρις
Y. Moss, Incorruptible bodies : christology, society, and authority in Late Antiquity
Th. Russell, Byzantium and the Bosporus : a historical study, from the seventh century bc until the foundation of Constantinople
A twelfth-century cycle of four poems on John Klimax : a brief analysis
A twelfth-century cycle of four poems on John Klimax : editio princeps