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Sustainable intensification in the production of grass and forage crops in the Low Countries of north-west Europe
The effect of ensiling on variety rank of forage maize
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Larger field than variety effect on belowground maize biomass and root system architecture
The effect of maize silage type on the performances and methane emission of dairy cattle
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Assessing plant type and the nutritive value of silage maize in the perspective of the Belgian official variety trials
(2016) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Maize root-derived C in soil and role of physical protection in its relative stability over shoot-derived C
Harvest date does not influence variety ranking in Belgian forage maize variety trials
Production potential of grassland and fodder crops in high-output systems in the Low Countries in north western Europe and how to deal with limiting factors