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HSPB8 frameshift mutant aggregates weaken chaperone-assisted selective autophagy in neuromyopathies
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EMILIN1 deficiency causes arterial tortuosity with osteopenia and connects impaired elastogenesis with defective collagen fibrillogenesis
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Importance of extracellular vesicle secretion at the blood-cerebrospinal fluid interface in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
- Journal Article
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Comparison between Apicystis cryptica sp. n. and Apicystis bombi (Arthrogregarida, Apicomplexa): Gregarine parasites that cause fat body hypertrophism in bees
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Defining the clinical, molecular and ultrastructural characteristics in occipital horn syndrome : two new cases and review of the literature
Decreased susceptibility of Streptococcus anginosus to vancomycin in a multispecies biofilm is due to increased thickness of the cell wall