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'Ask no questions and hear no lies' : the relationship between supervisor feedback-seeking and subordinates’ use of upward ingratiation tactics
My employer is the best! : 'the influence of supervisors in authentically encouraging employee ambassadorship'
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Living the employer brand during a crisis? A qualitative study on internal employer branding in times of the COVID-19 pandemic
Over glazen plafonds en kleverige vloeren : de loonkloof in 2023
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Vergadervrije (halve) dagen per week of per maand : hoe zinvol vinden werknemers dat?
The conceptualization and development of the employee ambassadorship scale
Talent aantrekken dankzij Employer Branding
De strijd om talent is een wijdverspreid probleem op de arbeidsmarkt : geen enkele sector ontkomt er nog aan
Employee ambassadorship : scale development and validation
Scale development and validation of employee ambassadorship