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Trends in material and non-material inequalities in adolescent health and health behaviours : a 12-year study in 23 European countries
Association of alcohol control policies with adolescent alcohol consumption and with social inequality in adolescent alcohol consumption : a multilevel study in 33 countries and regions
Does sports club participation contribute to physical activity among children and adolescents? A comparison across six European countries
Cultural values and adolescents’ health inequalities in 21 European countries
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Socioeconomic disparities in diet vary according to migration status among adolescents in Belgium
- Journal Article
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Does sleep mediate the association between school pressure, physical activity, screen time, and psychological symptoms in early adolescents? : a 12-country study
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- open access
Accuracy and inequalities in physical activity research
Trends in sleeping difficulties among European adolescents : are these associated with physical inactivity and excessive screen time?
Decreasing income inequality and adolescent emotional distress : a population-based case study of Icelandic adolescents 2006-2016
In tackling our physical inactivity pandemic, we risk ignoring those who need the most help