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Vaardigheden voor de uitdagingen van morgen. Vlaamse resultaten van PIAAC 2023.
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Science achievement of multilingual pupils : a study on the effectiveness of a read-aloud assessment accommodation
E-course meertaligheid en leren
(2023) -
PIAAAC Flanders, doorstep interview : toward reducing bias and achieving comparability : field test case study on registry country, Abstracts
ICT-skills of Flemish young adults according to PIAAC : the role of formal and non-formal education
Quality of teaching in segregated low SES classes : a mixed-methods study
Examining reading comprehension in disadvantaged segregated classes : the role of class composition, teacher trust, and teaching learning strategies
De wisselwerking tussen de klassamenstelling, de kwaliteit van de leerkracht en de schoolresultaten in Vlaamse concentratiescholen
Interpersonal citizenship skills of primary school students : the role of class composition
Teacher beliefs and teaching quality in segregated primary school classes : a study into the effects on students’ language achievement