- 0000-0002-7781-8607
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Effectiveness and safety of flumazenil augmentation during electroconvulsive therapy
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Differentiaaldiagnose bij depressie en intermitterend hypercortisolisme
Flumazenil administration during electroconvulsive therapy : a retrospective chart review on EEG duration, side effects and clinical outcome
Excoriatiestoornis in de klinische praktijk
Discontinuation of continuation or maintenance electroconvulsive therapy caused by the COVID-19 pandemic : a naturalistic study investigating relapse in patients with major depressive disorder
Repetitief onaangepast seksueel gedrag bij geagiteerde depressie : katatone stereotypie?
Is twice daily LF-rTMS a viable treatment option for treatment-resistant OCD? Results from an open-label feasibility study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Cognitive remediation following electroconvulsive therapy in patients with treatment resistant depression : randomized controlled trail of an intervention for relapse prevention : study protocol
Elektroconvulsietherapie bij depressieve ouderen : een update
Dissociatieve symptomen bij een borderlinepersoonlijkheidsstoornis : huidige inzichten en gevolgen voor de klinische praktijk