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Disease Control and Late Toxicity in Adaptive Dose Painting by Numbers Versus Nonadaptive Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Phase 2 Trial
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- open access
Exclusion of non-involved uterus from the target volume (EXIT-trial) : an individualized treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer using modern radiotherapy and imaging techniques followed by completion surgery
- Journal Article
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- open access
International consensus guidelines for adjuvant radiation therapy for bladder cancer after radical cystectomy : update from an IBIS workgroup
- Journal Article
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Effects of deep inspiration breath hold on prone photon or proton irradiation of breast and regional lymph nodes
Randomized phase 2 trial of adaptive dose painting vs. standard IMRT for head and neck cancer
What are the limitations on dose escalation to sub-volumes in head and neck cancer : experience from dose painting
- Journal Article
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- open access
REQUITE: A prospective multicentre cohort study of patients undergoing radiotherapy for breast, lung or prostate cancer
- Journal Article
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External beam radiotherapy only as an alternative for radical cystectomy in highly selected bladder cancer patients
- Journal Article
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- open access
Comparison of supine or prone crawl photon or proton breast and regional lymph node radiation therapy including the internal mammary chain
- Journal Article
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- open access
EXclusion of non-Involved uterus from the Target Volume (EXIT-trial) : an individualized treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer using modern radiotherapy and imaging techniques