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Annual Congress Belgian Society of Emergency and Disaster Medicine (BESEDIM)
C. Depuydt, SABINE LEMOYNE (UGent) and Patrick Van de Voorde (UGent) -
Opt-out design for an observational toxicology study involving intoxicated patients at a dance music event
LAT gel for laceration repair in the emergency department : not only for children?
End-tidal carbon dioxide during chest compressions : are we measuring the right concentration?
Reversed airflow caused by thoracic compressions during resuscitation : a pilot study
Automated Learning with an Interactive Virtual Environment (ALIVE): doing more with less
Patients with cardiac arrest are ventilated two times faster than guidelines recommend : an observational prehospital study using tracheal pressure measurement
Excessive chest compression rate is associated with insufficient compression depth in prehospital cardiac arrest
Disorders of consciousness induced by intoxication
Excessive chest compression rate is associated with insufficient compression depth in out-of-hospital cardic arrest