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- Journal Article
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A user-centric evaluation of context-aware recommendations for a mobile news service
The Social Use of Media, Helena Bilandzic, Geoffroy Patriarche and Paul Traudt (eds) (2012)
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Serendipitous news consumption: a mixed-method audience-centred study on mobile devices
A qualitative study about the implementation of tablet computers in secondary education: the teachers' role in this process
Mobile learning in secondary education: teachers’ and students' perceptions and acceptance of tablet computers
Tailored to fit? Implicit and explicit user evaluations of algorithm-based mobile news
Measuring 'over-the-top' audiences: on the potential of alternative measurement techniques
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The role of socio-spatial context in the habit-goal interface of audiovisual media consumption
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Student acceptance of tablet devices in secondary education: a three-wave longitudinal cross-lagged case study
Cross-media use: unfolding complexities in contemporary audiencehood