prof. Ruben Vanderlinde
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Fostering pre-service teachers' classroom management knowledge, self-efficacy, and professional vision : the effect of different expert feedback and pre-service teachers’ feedback perceptions during online video analysis
- Journal Article
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- open access
Developing and validating a video-based measurement instrument for assessing teachers’ professional vision of language-stimulation interactions in the ECE classroom
Capturing competence : the design, evaluation, and implementation of a video‐based instrument for assessing verbal aggression management competence
Diversity-responsive teacher educators in Flanders
The complexity of team teaching models : the relationship with collaboration and shared responsibility
Teamteaching in Vlaanderen : de implementatie, beweegredenen en effecten voor leerlingen
Teaching for global citizenship in European classrooms : an international dimension in teacher education curricula via a blended intensive programme
Professionaliseren tot diversiteitsresponsieve lerarenopleiders
Designing a professional development program promoting teacher educators’ actions for education that serves all students
Exploring pedagogical beliefs in language development : a factor analysis in the early childhood education context