- 0000-0001-5455-9289
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- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Evaluating the effectiveness of patient tailored treatment for patients with non‐specific low back pain : a systematic review
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Development of culturally sensitive pain neuroscience education materials for Hausa-speaking patients with chronic spinal pain : a modified Delphi study
Consensus among musculoskeletal experts for the management of patients with headache by physiotherapists? A Delphi study
The interrater reliability of a pain mechanisms-based classification for patients with nonspecific neck pain
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Neck pain ≠ neck pain : a pain mechanisms-based reasoning strategy to identify distinct clinical patterns in patients with nonspecific neck pain
(2018) -
Clinical classification criteria for nonspecific low back pain : a Delphi-survey of clinical experts
Klinisch onderzoek van de cervicale wervelkolom
(2017) -
Surface electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius before and after a single dry needling session in female office workers with trapezius myalgia
Mobilisaties en manipulaties van de wervelkolom
(2016) -
Subjective and clinical assessment criteria suggestive for five clinical patterns discernible in nonspecific neck pain patients : a Delphi-survey of clinical experts