prof. dr. Sofie Verhaeghe
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The patient's role development in the process of participating in multidisciplinary team meetings : from passive attendees to active members or dropouts
Patient participation in multidisciplinary team meetings in residential mental health services : an explorative study of patients' perception
Development of a competency framework for advanced practice nurses : a co‐design process
Development of a clinical practice guideline on pressure ulcers in people with spinal cord injuries inspired by the ADAPTE method
(2024) Spinal Cord. -
Relatives' knowledge, attitudes, and experiences toward electroconvulsive therapy : a systematic review
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Empowering support for family members of patients with traumatic brain injury during the acute care : insights from family members and nurses
- Conference Paper
- open access
What can we learn from nurse-sensitive patient outcomes of the nurse-patient relationship?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Patient-reported outcomes of psychiatric and/or mental health nursing in hospitals : a systematic review protocol
Ontwikkeling van een competentie-raamwerk voor verpleegkundig specialisten : een co-design proces
The patient's perspective on participation in a multidisciplinary team meeting : a phenomenological study