- 0000-0002-0909-7756
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Campylobacter occurrence and antimicrobial resistance profile in under five-year-old diarrheal children, backyard farm animals, and companion pets
The involvement of Pseudoterranova decipiens fish infestation on the shelf-life of fresh Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fillet
- Journal Article
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Transcriptome analysis of Arcobacter butzleri infection in a mucus-producing human intestinal in vitro model
- Journal Article
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- open access
Risk categorisation of abattoirs in Europe : current state of play
- Journal Article
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- open access
Arcobacteraceae comparative genome analysis demonstrates genome heterogeneity and reduction in species isolated from animals and associated with human illness
Gebruik van elektrische prikkelaar bij volwassen runderen en varkens
Campylobacter species occurrences in Ethiopian animals and diseased children: a One-Health approach
(2022) p.50-50 -
Wild boars as reservoir for Campylobacter and Arcobacter
Microbiology and Epidemiology of Escherichia albertii-An Emerging Elusive Foodborne Pathogen
Evaluation of a harmonized undergraduate catalog for veterinary public health and food hygiene pedagogy in Europe