prof. dr. Pieter Colpaert 81 – 85 of 85 publications Show 10 5 10 15 20 50 100 250 Sort by year (new to old) Actions Filter publications Download search results Subscribe to news feed Add to list Conference Paper C3 Cataloguing open data applications using semantic web technologies Anastasia Dimou (UGent) , Pieter Colpaert (UGent) , Raphael Troncy, Erik Mannens (UGent) and Rik Van de Walle (UGent) (2013) Add to list Conference Paper C1 Extending R2RML to a source-independent mapping language for RDF Anastasia Dimou (UGent) , Miel Vander Sande (UGent) , Pieter Colpaert (UGent) , Erik Mannens (UGent) and Rik Van de Walle (UGent) (2013) International Semantic Web Conference, Proceedings. p.237-240 Add to list Conference Paper C1 The 5 stars of open data portals Pieter Colpaert (UGent) , Sarah Joye (UGent) , Peter Mechant (UGent) , Erik Mannens (UGent) and Rik Van de Walle (UGent) (2013) 7th international conference on methodologies, technologies and tools enabling e-Government, Proceedings. p.61-67 Add to list Conference Paper C1 R&Wbase: git for triples Miel Vander Sande (UGent) , Pieter Colpaert (UGent) , Ruben Verborgh (UGent) , Sam Coppens (UGent) , Erik Mannens (UGent) and Rik Van de Walle (UGent) (2013) 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web, Proceedings. Add to list Conference Paper C1 The DataTank: an open data adapter with semantic output Miel Vander Sande (UGent) , Pieter Colpaert (UGent) , Davy Van Deursen (UGent) , Erik Mannens (UGent) and Rik Van de Walle (UGent) (2012) 21st International Conference on World Wide Web, Proceedings. ← Previous 1 2 … 6 7 8 9