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- 2024
- No neutrality here: mobilising reflexivity in sustainability transitions research (2024)
- Whose circular repair economy counts? Four competing discourses of electronics repair (2024) RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 205.
- Closing-down the debate instead of the loops? A nuanced consideration of established actors in the circular economy (2024) RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 203.
- 2023
- The entanglement of society and technology in the debate over sustainable fuels and chemicals : an analysis of socio-technical cross-cutting challenges in SUNER-C (2023)
- 2022
- Zoektocht naar een rechtvaardige circulaire economie : keuzes en spanningsvelden (2022) In Just transition publicatie
- Troubled wastewaters : the politics of transitions to a circular economy (2022)
- 2021
- Narratives of repair : electronic consumer devices in the circular economy (2021) In Flemish Circular Economy Center
- Power struggles in policy feedback processes : incremental steps towards a circular economy within Dutch wastewater policy (2021) POLICY SCIENCES. 54(3). p.579-607
- Incumbents' enabling role in niche-innovation : power dynamics in a wastewater project (2021) ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION AND SOCIETAL TRANSITIONS. 39. p.73-85
- 2020
- A transition in the Dutch wastewater system? : The struggle between discourses and with lock-ins (2020) JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & PLANNING. 22(2). p.155-169