Department of Penal law and criminology (ceased 1-10-2014)
3938 publications
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The strengthening resilience against violent radicalisation project
Juridische modeldocumenten voor de zorgsector : praktische verzameling van modeldocumenten inzake patiëntenrechten, levenseindebeslissingen en klachten wegens medische fouten
(2014) -
Freedom of expression and criminal responsibility in the ECtHR case-law
- Book Chapter
- open access
Izručenje u kontekstu Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda, Priručnik za suce [Extradition in the context of the European Convention on Human Rights, Manual for Judges]
How much variance in offending, self-control and morality can be explained by neighbourhoods and schools? An exploratory cross-classified multi-level analysis
- Miscellaneous
- open access
CIA-detentie van terroristen op Europese Black Sites
Strafrecht geannoteerd 2014
Filiep Deruyck, Bart Spriet, Philip Traest (UGent) and Raf Verstraeten(2014) -
Psychosocial outcomes of drug court clients: the role of ideology and (drug) policy in comparing a Continental European drug treatment court with US drug treatment courts.
(2014) -
Gendergerelateerd geweld: wettelijke en reglementaire normen
Het desistance- en recoveryproces van Belgische druggebruikende delinquenten