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- 2000
- A note on the Martin-Löf test for unidimensionality (2000) METHODS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 5(1).
- A Rasch model for detecting learning while solving an intelligence test (2000) APPLIED PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT. 24(2). p.151-162
- Compatibility between observed and executed finger movements: comparing symbolic, spatial, and imitative cues (2000) BRAIN AND COGNITION. 44(2). p.124-143
- Knowledge consolidation and abstraction in sequence learning (2000) p.S63-S63
- Strategies and tactics in deductive reasoning (2000) DEDUCTIVE REASONING AND STRATEGIES. p.301-309
- Model construction and elaboration in spatial linear syllogisms (2000) DEDUCTIVE REASONING AND STRATEGIES. p.191-207
- Executive functions and task switching (2000) PSYCHOLOGICA BELGICA. 40(4). p.211-226
- Interaction of knowledge-driven and data-driven processing in category learning (2000) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY. 12(1). p.37-63
- Sentence Reading: Do We Make Use of Orthographic Cues in Homophones? (2000) ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA. 105(1). p.31-56
- The failure to use gender information in parsing: A comment on van Berkum, Brown, and Hagoort (1999). (2000) JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH. 29(5). p.453-466