Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
50321 publications
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Hide to Hand: Gloves, Materiality and Politeness in Eighteenth-Century England
(2026) -
Alum Tawed Leather
Going nominal : the Ancient Greek articular infinitive between syntax and context
Grimlaicus’s Regula Solitariorum and male reclusion at the turn of the first millennium
Sapore and sapere : culinary imagery and the principle of Quaestio in the Allegory of Taste by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel
Introduction : modelling a long history of translation
Greek formulae in Coptic legal documents (7th-8th c.) : graphemic and linguistic adaptation vs. alternation
A reformist hagiography? Adso of Montier-en-Der’s Life and Miracles of St Basolus (BHL 1034-1035) revisited
The herring cask and its sign system as witnesses to a growing fishing industry in fifteenth-century Flanders
The derivation of the categories of quantity : reading the metaphysical deduction through the lens of a controversy
(2025) KANT-STUDIEN. -
More than a simple intuition : towards a categorization of palaeographical features in Greek documentary papyri
Interiezioni e particelle
Festòs : il Quartiere sud-ovest del Primo Palazzo : contesti e ritrovamenti del Medio Minoico IIB dal settore meridionale
Horrida Romoleum certamina pango duellum : J. Fr. Champollion’s Latin studies in the BNF manuscript NAF 20365
SFL and learning Latin : on authentic reading and language awareness
Probing the explanatory power of iconicity in language
Zhongwan ming shiqi renxing lun de liangzhong panshe = 中晚明時期人性論的兩種判攝 = Two types of summaries of the theories of human nature in the middle and late Ming period
Dutch algebra and arithmetic in Japan before the Meiji restoration
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
El marcador pragmático es que en el lenguaje juvenil madrileño : productividad lingüística y descripción formal-funcional