Department of Nordic studies (ceased 1-1-2011)
207 publications
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PubMed searches by Dutch-speaking nursing students : the impact of language and system experience
Vocabularies and retrieval tools in biomedicine: disentangling the terminological knot
Assessing the impact of English language skills and education level on PubMed searches by Dutch-speaking users
Förhållandet mellan den kausativa och permissiva betydelsen hos verbet låta.
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Skandinavisk litteratur i Nederländerna och Flandern : en prosopografi över litteraturförmedlare
Multilingual corpora in cross-linguistic research: focus on the compilation of a Dutch-Swedish parallel corpus
Bespreking van “Corpora and language teaching” van Karin Aijmer (ed.) (2009)
Review 'Barnlitteraturanalyser'
A tsunami of good wishes: on the metaphorical use of meteorological expressions
Ibsen als Theaterpraktiker
(2009) Das große nordische Orakel.’ Henrik Ibsen als Leitbild der Moderne. In Skandinavistik 4. p.106-127