Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
11391 publications
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- Journal Article
- open access
How do recruiters assess applicants who express a political engagement?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Perceptions of ethical decision-making climate among clinicians working in European and US ICUs : differences between religious and non-religious healthcare professionals
The shift premium : evidence from a discrete choice experiment
Tell me a story! Narrative-driven XAI with Large Language Models
Institutions and the real effects of private equity buyouts: A meta‐analysis
Maximizing suspense in sports competitions by dynamic scheduling
Minimal and fair waiting times for single-day sports tournaments with multiple fields
Designing a Fair Orienteering Contest Using Bilevel Optimization
Living in an AI-enabled society: exploring the consumer perspective across cultures
(2025) -
Scanxiety, meer dan alleen angst. Co-creatief interventies ontwikkelen om scanxiety te verminderen
(2025) -
The Impact of Family Members on Aging Persons’ Technology Use Intentions
Essays on Taxation and Corporate Social Responsibility
(2025) -
- Journal Article
- open access
Sexual orientation stereotypes and job candidate screening: why gay is (mostly) OK
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Regioverkenning Wallonië
(2025) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Using the minimum wage directive to strengthen collective bargaining: a trade union transposition guide
Process-technology fit decisions : evidence from an expert panel and case studies
Managing organizational attractiveness after a negative employer review: company response strategies and review consensus
Sports Scheduling: from consulting to science
The influence of emotions and communication style on customer satisfaction and recommendation in a call center context : an NLP-based analysis
Regulatory institutions and cross-country differences in high-growth entrepreneurship rates : a configurational approach
Heat Distributed Unequally in the Sovereign Bond Market
(2025) -
Ripples of reciprocity : navigating trust and collective governance in hydrosocial territories
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How to set up a formal design thinking course that works? A practical guide for higher education settings
Just walk out stores : the future of shopping? Examining configurations of reasons for and against consumer adoption
Commissie adviseert over de verslaggeving bij de heropening van de vereffening
Gemeentelijke fusies: Inzicht in bestuurlijke effecten en uitdagingen
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Time Tetris : a longitudinal study on compressed schedules and workplace well-being at IKEA
Advocacy on a tightrope : effects of government funding and perceived support for advocacy on nonprofit cooperative and confrontational advocacy tactics
The impact of social network structure, collaboration costs, and bursty activation on opinion dynamics and innovation via agent-based modeling
(2025) -
How sustainability assurance work gets done : assurors’ sensemaking, socialization and interactions with clients
Profit-driven pre-processing in B2B customer churn modeling using fairness techniques
Realizing the Full Potential of Digital Innovation: Exploring Maturity Levels for Integrating Interorganizational Value Chains
The socio-economic consequences of remote working : evidence from the European administrations in Brussels
Customer experiences and coping behaviors during crisis situations : the role of service adaptation and service transformation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Compliance with base erosion and profit shifting action 13 : insights from tax consultants and tax officials
On the potential of quantum walks for modeling financial return distributions
The use of implicit measures in service research : why, how, when and what is the way forward?
Packaging the future : determinants of use intentions and incentive structures of reusable packaging systems
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
False signaling by platform team members and post-campaign venture outcomes : evidence from an equity crowdfunding platform
Leading by example : supervisor downward feedback seeking, power distance, and the implications for the feedback environment
Closing a gap or creating a new one? Comparing support for participatory instruments among different stakeholders
Conceptualizing policy advocacy effectiveness in NPO research : a scoping review of criteria and indicators
Instrumental councillors? On the strategic interests that drive local councillors’ legitimacy perceptions of citizen participation
When shareholder power kicks in : corporate financialization as ratchet behaviour and sticky payouts
Fair integer programming under dichotomous and cardinal preferences
Varieties of local participation? A vignette survey on local executive politicians’ legitimacy perceptions towards different participatory arrangements
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The multi-level determinants of international migration aspirations in 25 communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
Well-being policies and applicant attraction : the mediating role of employer brand personality
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
(De)centralized governance and the value of platform-based new ventures : the moderating role of teams and transparency
I am not aiming to be too famous : the exploration of social entrepreneurial intention
Unravelling the ideal roster : a cross-sectional study of nurse shift preferences using multivariate analysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Carrying the (paper) burden : a portfolio view of systemic risk and optimal bank size
Conflict management 101 : how emotional intelligence can make or break a manager
Chicken or egg? On the relation between course performance and first-year students’ well-being and self-efficacy
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Financial resilience perspective on COVID-19 business support : a comparative study of four European countries
Analysing policy actors’ preferences for different modes of governing in local government
The relationship between local councillors’ representative style and their support for participatory democracy
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Hometown bias in Flanders : the impact of ministerial local embeddedness on the distribution of conditional grants (2004–2017)
Using technology broadcasting to explore market applications : the moderating role of a firm's domain‐specific and general knowledge
How can nonprofit policy advocacy influence policymakers? A factorial survey experiment on the effects of nonprofit advocacy strategies on policymakers’ willingness to act
Bank specialization and zombie lending
Wage subsidies, slack resources and behavioural additionality : evidence from universities
Leaving terrorism behind? The role of terrorist attacks in shaping migration intentions around the world
Validation of the psychological empowerment scale and client-centered care questionnaire in budget holders with disabilities
New development : understanding the relationship between public sector consulting and public value destruction : an epistemic learning perspective
Advocating beyond call of duty : a review of employee advocacy and a call for research
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Group research : why are we throwing away the best of our observations?
People’s preferred balance between politicians, citizens, and experts in policy-making decisions
The aspiration to stay : a global analysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Process and content in performance management : how consistency and supervisor developmental feedback decrease emotional exhaustion via high-quality LMX
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Public values? A systematic literature review into the outcomes of public service co-creation
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Multi-neighbourhood simulated annealing for the ITC-2007 capacitated examination timetabling problem
Coping with education supply shocks : how COVID-19 affected parents’ time spent on children’s education
Disentangling the attractiveness of telework to employees: A factorial survey experiment
Hands-On Data Engineering with R, Python and PostgreSQL
(2024) -
Het Decreet Grond-en Pandenbeleid revisited: nieuwe staatssteun conforme recepten of oude wijn in nieuwe zakken?
Social network heterogeneity benefits individuals at the expense of groups in the creation of innovation (vol 3, 045002, 2022)
The Significance of Leadership in Authentically Fostering Employee Ambassadorship
(2024) -
Exploring the Role of Leadership in Fostering Authentically Employee Ambassadorship
(2024) -
Keynote - Governance modellen voor ziekenhuisfusies, uitdagingen, ‘best practices’, post-fusie integratie
(2024) -
EGOV-CeDEM-ePart-Ongoing 2024: Ongoing Research, Practitioners, Posters, Workshops, and Projects at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2024
Electronic Participation
Beleidsintegratie over beleidsdomeinen heen - Welke barrières ondervinden lokale beleidsmakers?
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Entrepreneurs’ thriving after venture distress : the role of self-compassion, learning, and venture failure
Reforming Belgian youth field hockey competitions with an incomplete round robin tournament
How to organize a fair rogaining competition?
Minimal and fair waiting times for single-day sports tournaments with multiple fields
Scheduling Youth Competitions
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Let the students be heard : student voices on teaching excellence awards
- Book Chapter
- open access
The impact of COVID-19 on life satisfaction : a cross-national, long term perspective
Jaarrekeningen van zeer kleine VZW’s worden amper gepubliceerd en blijven slordig
- Journal Article
- open access
Jaarrekeningen van zeer kleine vzw’s worden amper gepubliceerd en blijven slordig.
The service robot customer experience (SR-CX) : a matter of AI intelligences and customer service goals
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Customer perceptions of firm innovativeness and market performance : a nation-level, longitudinal, cross-industry examination
The non-causal scaling of health indicators and city size
Supporting vulnerable families' meal practices : process evaluation of a nationwide intervention implemented by a retailer and social organizations (vol 24, 3060, 2024)
The experience of empowerment and client-centered care in cash-for-care schemes
(2024) -
- Book Editor
- open access
Companion Proceedings of the 17th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the Practice of Enterprise Modeling Forum, M4S, FACETE, AEM, Tools and Demos, Stockholm, Sweden, December 3-5, 2024
Simon Hacks, Ben Roelens (UGent) , Marite Kirikova, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Dominik Bork, John Krogstie, Geert Poels (UGent) , Jonas Van Riel (UGent) , Philipp Zech, Michael Vierhauser, et al.(2024) 3855. -
Time for tea : measuring discounting for money and consumption without the utility confound
Hoe organisaties prestatiemanagement meer ontwikkelingsgericht kunnen maken
(2024) -
Persoonlijke kenmerken van leidinggevenden spelen rol bij implementatie prestatiemanagement
(2024) -
Hoe ook de sterktes van je medewerkers aandacht verdienen
(2024) -
Leaders’ performance goals and employees’ counterproductive work behavior
Fast and reliable uncertainty quantification with neural network ensembles for industrial image classification
Employee CSR Engagement: unravel the cognitive process
(2024) -
Hoe lokale besturen vertrouwen winnen en verliezen
Lokaal sociaal beleid in de achteruitkijkspiegel
Openbaar bestuur en beleidsvorming
Inleiding bij het themanummer ‘Democratische innovatie en burgerparticipatie’
Keynote - De circulaire transitie versnellen: Een strategisch kader voor organisaties
(2024) -
Nothing really matters : evaluating demand-side moderators of age discrimination in hiring
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Labour market disadvantages of citizens with a migration background in Belgium : a systematic review
Door het lint gaan : heeft red tape die voortkomt uit digitale tools een invloed op de verloopintentie van leraren?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS) : 2023 Belgium National Report "Staying the course in uncertain times"
(2024) -
GUESSS 2023 : een studie over de ondernemende mindset en ondernemend gedrag bij Vlaamse universiteitsstudenten
(2024) -
GUESSS 2023 : een studie over de ondernemende mindset en ondernemend gedrag bij Vlaamse hogeschoolstudenten
(2024) In ECOOM-Rapport -
Resource Diversification
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Capabilities to manage digital industry 4.0 innovations in interorganizational value chains : results from an international Delphi study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Mapping economic growth and employment in EU-funded research projects : trac(k)ing the SDG 8 trajectory
Adapting Data Protection Impact Assessment for Big Data Analytics: A GDPR-Aligned Framework for Data Privacy Compliance
(2024) -
- Book Chapter
- open access
Mission Drift
Nurturing entrepreneurial intention of PhD students across academic disciplines: a multi-group analysis
(2024) -
Navigating Institutional Barriers to University Spin-off Development in the Social Sciences & Humanities Context: A Multiple-Case Study.
(2024) -
Unpacking the influence of students’ migration on opportunity recognition capability
Turning the Tide. Exploring the Impact of People Management on Teacher Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Roles of Role Ambiguity and Emotional Exhaustion
(2024) -
Uitgedaagd door verwachtingen : gesprekken met leidinggevenden over veranderende behoeften van werknemers
Individu zkt. Gemeenschap (of was het omgekeerd?). Over politiek denken en handelen in de open samenleving.
(2024) -
Politie en wetenschap in context
Politie en wetenschap
Auke van Dijk, Antoinette Verhage (UGent) , Marleen Easton (UGent) , Jan Terpstra and Willy Bruggeman -
Mandatory public country-by-country reporting for multinational enterprises : hoping for the best, preparing for the worst?
The Markov chain embedding problem in a one-jump setting
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Unravelling motives and time use of additional leave in a flexible benefits plan : a mixed-methods case study in Belgium
Hof van Justitie herkwalificeert subsidieovereenkomst voor voetbalstadion als overheidsopdracht voor werken
De aandeelhouder : investeerder, rentenier of parasiet?
Not a lucky break? Why and when a career hiatus hijacks hiring chances
(2024) -
Leader humility and affective commitment : a cross‐sectional study among hospital nursing teams
Regiovorming uitgelicht : naar een nieuw bestuurlijk evenwicht in Vlaanderen?
Eerste toepassing van de nieuwe groottecriteria
Première application des nouveaux critères de taille
Essays on digital transformation in finance
(2024) -
Amplifying personalized experiences in the metaverse: a tourism and hospitality perspective
Household food waste determinants in developed and developing countries : a systematic literature review and research agenda
Financial literacy and investor trading behavior : the impact of overconfidence, warning signals and financial attention
(2024) -
A systematic literature review on service robot attributes and organizational climate’s role
Linking Process Innovation Maturity to Sustainability: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review
(2024) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. In Disruptive Innovation in a Digitally Connected Healthy World 14907. p.253-259 -
Developing a framework for innovating less-structured business processes : a Delphi study
Towards Sustainable BPM Excellence: A Maturity Model Grounded in Paradox Theory
8 op de 10 Vlamingen wil bij het gemeentehuis zonder afspraak kunnen binnenspringen
(2024) In De Wereld Vandaag -
- Book Chapter
- open access
School and obesity
Face your fears : direct and indirect measurement of responses to looming threats
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The student entrepreneurial intention cloud : a review of reviews
Violence by association or participation? Examining the differential impact of violent co-offenders on future offending behavior
(2024) -
'Ask no questions and hear no lies' : the relationship between supervisor feedback-seeking and subordinates’ use of upward ingratiation tactics
Hoe sociale organisaties kunnen mobiliseren in tijden van individualisering
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Time is Now: Rebuilding Collective Bargaining in Europe.
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Addressing integration in the organization of palliative care in Belgium : a multilevel ecosystems approach using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method
Student ventures : a new organizational form in the university entrepreneurial ecosystem
Unemployment, inactivity, and hiring chances : a systematic review and meta-analysis
A dedicated branch-price-and-cut algorithm for advance patient planning and surgeon scheduling
Mapping employees’ individual feedback processing skills: the conceptualization of employee feedback literacy
(2024) -
Get off your high horse! How humble leaders build commitment via safety, trust, and participative communication
Le rôle politique des chefs de cabinet au sein des villes-centres flamandes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Part feeding and internal transportation decision making for a machinery manufacturer
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Optimism as a key factor in coping with the common cold
A systematic review on employer branding and employee well-being
(2024) -
Grondwettelijk Hof velt kritisch tussenarrest omtrent overwinstbelasting
Partisan political staff at the local level : a self‐assessment of the policymaking role of the chief of cabinet
CBN publiceert definitieve adviezen omtrent nieuwe omvangcriteria
Navigating the temporal maze: Unraveling intersubjective time dynamics within a patient journey
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The impact of imposed covid-19 measures on Belgian higher education students
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
The effect of homophily on co-offending outcomes
HRM, leiderschap, welbevinden en werkgedragingen: resultaten van een verkennende studie
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Hoe leidinggevenden burn-outrisico kunnen verminderen door goed prestatiemanagement
Descending the job ladder is fine, except when you were ill : experimental evidence
The subsidy trap : explaining the unsatisfactory effectiveness of hiring subsidies for the senior unemployed
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A poisoned gift? The hireability signals of an income-support program for the senior unemployed
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
PROTOCOL : employee work motivation, effort, and performance under a merit pay system : a systematic review
Humanitarian networks planning during human-made disasters : Palestine as a case study
(2024) -
Ontological Foundations of Resilience
Staatssteun voor stikstofreductie : het flankerend PAS-beleid in Europees perspectief
Van de Gemeenschap, voor de Gemeenschap
Gentse Gronden : sessies 2024
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Preface: Research on User Stories: Past, Present and Future
- Book Editor
- open access
Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering 2024. Short Paper Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering (Agil-ISE 2024) co-located with the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2024)
Palash Bera, Yves Wautelet and Geert Poels (UGent) -
Hello darkness my old friend : how policy learning can contribute to value destruction
Democratie is zoveel meer dan om de zoveel jaar een bol gaan kleuren
Als werknemers te veeleisend worden
Dispense de Pr P pour le travail en équipe et de nuit dans le secteur de l'intérim : à partir du 1er janvier 2025, 'l'accord' sera composé d'un contrat écrit et de déclarations spécifiques
BV-vrijstelling ploegen- en nachtarbeid in uitzendsector : ‘akkoord’ valt vanaf 1 januari 2025 uiteen in schriftelijke overeenkomst en specifieke verklaringen
Algemene verkorting Duitse kwijtscheldingstermijn naar 3 jaar : positief geëvalueerd voor consumenten
The wellbeing of left-behind children and migrant children under rural-urban migration in China
(2024) -
Expert involvement in action : examining academic expert dynamics in policy practice
Approaches for improving robustness in project scheduling with uncertain durations : proactive and reactive perspectives
(2024) -
Timetabling Belgian youth field hockey competitions with an incomplete round robin tournament
Sports timetabling : towards generic algorithms and performance insights
Minimal and fair waiting times for single-day sports tournaments with multiple fields
Fair integer programming under dichotomous preferences
How to organize a fair rogaining competition?
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The Game of Thrones quest for optimality : a role playing game for teaching the art of linear programming
Grouping and scheduling multiple sports leagues : an integrated approach
Ontwikkeling van een AI-model voor de kamer voor ondernemingen in moeilijkheden bij de ondernemingsrechtbank
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Better data for budgetary surveillance : EU law on statistics as key to unlocking the potential of public sector accounting
Schulden vreemd aan de beroepsactiviteit
Qualité des parties dans le cadre du RGPD: responsable (conjoint) du traitement ou sous-traitant - Quels critères, implications et opportunités stratégiques?
Het vraagstuk van aansprakelijkheid onder de AVG : een analyse uit verschillende oogpunten
Facility logistics modeling and optimization in mixed-model assembly lines
(2024) -
Facilitating a protein shift : the influence of individual consumer characteristics, food-related factors, and context on food choices
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Jouw stem doet ertoe
Demographic change, secular stagnation, and inequality : automation as a blessing?
Exploring the Local Digital Transformation Lifecycle: Focus on Antecedents, Process, and Results
(2024) -
Skills-based medewerkersvrijwilligerswerk: what’s in it for HR?
(2024) -
A cooperative business model for a local tourism platform
From taxonomy to boilerplate development of a minimum viable sharing platform
From awareness to engagement : how supervisor behavior and CSR supportive climates drive employee CSR engagement
Hoe authentiek duurzaam ondernemen werknemers betrekt en motiveert
(2024) -
Authentiek duurzaam ondernemen betrekt en motiveert werknemers
(2024) -
Research Brief 87. Meer dan holle woorden: hoe authentiek duurzaam ondernemen werknemers betrekt en motiveert
(2024) -
Essays in entrepreneurial finance
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
EdisTools : resultaten van 4 jaar onderzoek naar etnische ongelijkheid in Vlaanderen
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Locoregionale klinische ziekenhuisnetwerken in Vlaanderen : een geslaagde samenwerkingsformule?
(2024) -
Do college graduates serving as village officials help mitigate income inequality within village?
A call for immediate action to improve the mental health of left-behind children in the post-COVID-19 era
Does biogas industrial policy promote the industrial transformation?
Boosting European climate policy with a resilient knowledge-sharing framework
(2024) -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Digital strategy in the public sector : an exploratory literature review
Government influence and economic dynamics : a comprehensive study of state-owned enterprises, political connections, and import competition in the european business economy
(2024) -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Digital transformation antecedents : the role of capacity and pressure in flemish local public administrations
From promises to practice : unraveling users’ mental models about the implications of large language models (LLMs) for users
Boekhoudkundige verwerking van de patrimoniumtaks voor (i)vzw’s en private stichtingen
Openbaarmakingsverplichtingen van de VOF en de CommV bij onmiddellijke sluiting van de vereffening
De exit van algemeen directeurs: uitzondering of signaal?
De beleidsrol van de kabinetschef binnen de Vlaamse centrumsteden
Preventie en beheersing van belangenconflicten in Vlaamse lokale besturen : de perceptie van de lokaal mandataris
Beleidscoördinatie en -integratie in Vlaamse steden : politiek-ambtelijke perspectieven op barrières
Zoek slimmer naar werk in plaats van harder : de rol van werkzoekkwaliteit
Feest van de democratie, op de werkvloer en voor het land
Partnerships between police and science in Belgium : fragile alliances?
The dynamics of technology and community policing
Identifying online misinformation and disinformation spreading using graph theory
(2024) -
Understanding the essence of digital government diffusion : a systematic literature review
Labour costs and the decision to hire the first employee
A new perspective on corrective action strategies for stochastic project control
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The urgent need for social science and humanities knowledge for climate action in Europe
Annual Bilateral Migration Data
(2024) -
Het burgemeestersoverleg, (her)nieuw(d)e spil voor de regio? Een stand van zaken anno 2024
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Detecting coordinated and bot-like behavior in Twitter : the Jürgen Conings case
Groceries at a glance : how external product cues shape consumer decisions
(2024) -
CATME‐B in secondary education : exploring the perceptions of students and teachers
Towards circular economy : progress, policies and outcomes
(2024) -
Allemaal op dezelfde lijn? Opinies van burgers, politici en ambtenaren over participatie vergeleken