Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
11274 publications
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Customer experiences and coping behaviors during crisis situations: The role of service adaptation and service transformation
- Journal Article
- open access
Compliance with base erosion and profit shifting action 13: Insights from tax consultants and tax officials
On the potential of quantum walks for modeling financial return distributions
Packaging the future: Determinants of use intentions and incentive structures of reusable packaging systems
False signaling by platform team members and post-campaign venture outcomes: Evidence from an equity crowdfunding platform
Fair integer programming under dichotomous and cardinal preferences
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The multi-level determinants of international migration aspirations in 25 communities in Africa, Asia and the Middle East
- Journal Article
- open access
De aandeelhouder: investeerder, rentenier of parasiet?
Not a lucky break? Why and when a career hiatus hijacks hiring chances
(2024) -
Leader Humility and Affective Commitment: A Cross‐Sectional Study Among Hospital Nursing Teams
Regiovorming uitgelicht. Naar een nieuw bestuurlijk evenwicht in Vlaanderen?
- Journal Article
- open access
Eerste toepassing van de nieuwe groottecriteria
- Journal Article
- open access
Première application des nouveaux critères de taille
Founders’ Migration Experience and Ventures’ EO: The Moderating Role of Acculturation Outcomes (WITHDRAWN)
Startup entrepreneurs’ personality traits and resilience: unveiling the interplay of prior experience
Essays on Digital Transformation in Finance
(2024) -
Amplifying personalized experiences in the metaverse: a tourism and hospitality perspective
- Conference Paper
- open access
Household Food Waste Determinants in Developed and Developing Countries: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda
Financial Literacy and Investor Trading Behavior: The Impact of Overconfidence, Warning Signals and Financial Attention
(2024) -
A Systematic Literature Review on Service Robot Attributes and Organizational Climate’s Role
(2024) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. In Disruptive Innovation in a Digitally Connected Healthy World 14907. p.260-271 -
Linking Process Innovation Maturity to Sustainability: Insights from a Systematic Literature Review
(2024) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. In Disruptive Innovation in a Digitally Connected Healthy World 14907. p.253-259 -
Developing a framework for innovating less-structured business processes: a Delphi study
Towards Sustainable BPM Excellence: A Maturity Model Grounded in Paradox Theory
8 op de 10 Vlamingen wil bij het gemeentehuis zonder afspraak kunnen binnenspringen
(2024) In De Wereld Vandaag -
- Book Chapter
- open access
School and obesity
The use of implicit measures in service research: Why, how, when and what is the way forward?
Face your fears: direct and indirect measurement of responses to looming threats
The student entrepreneurial intention cloud: a review of reviews
The Effect of Red Tape on Employability Competences of Teachers
Violence by association or participation? Examining the differential impact of violent co-offenders on future offending behavior
(2024) -
'Ask no questions and hear no lies' : the relationship between supervisor feedback-seeking and subordinates’ use of upward ingratiation tactics
Hoe sociale organisaties kunnen mobiliseren in tijden van individualisering
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The Time is Now: Rebuilding Collective Bargaining in Europe.
Addressing integration in the organization of palliative care in Belgium: a multilevel ecosystems approach using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method
- Journal Article
- open access
Student Ventures: A New Organizational Form in the University Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Unemployment, inactivity, and hiring chances : a systematic review and meta-analysis
A dedicated branch-price-and-cut algorithm for advance patient planning and surgeon scheduling
Mapping employees’ individual feedback processing skills: the conceptualization of employee feedback literacy
(2024) -
Get off your high horse! How humble leaders build commitment via safety, trust, and participative communication
Leading by example : supervisor downward feedback seeking, power distance, and the implications for the feedback environment
Le rôle politique des chefs de cabinet au sein des villes-centres flamandes
Part Feeding and Internal Transportation Decision Making for a Machinery Manufacturer
Optimism as a key factor in coping with the common cold
Linking leaders’ learning goal orientation to employees’ innovative work behaviour, job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion: leaders’ provision of learning-oriented goals and feedback and coaching accuracy
A systematic review on employer branding and employee well-being
(2024) -
Grondwettelijk Hof velt kritisch tussenarrest omtrent overwinstbelasting
Partisan political staff at the local level: A self‐assessment of the policymaking role of the chief of cabinet
Closing a gap or creating a new one? Comparing support for participatory instruments among different stakeholders
CBN publiceert definitieve adviezen omtrent nieuwe omvangcriteria
Conceptualizing Policy Advocacy Effectiveness in NPO Research: A Scoping Review of Criteria and Indicators
Navigating the temporal maze: Unraveling intersubjective time dynamics within a patient journey
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- open access
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
The effect of homophily on co-offending outcomes
HRM, leiderschap, welbevinden en werkgedragingen: resultaten van een verkennende studie
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Hoe leidinggevenden burn-outrisico kunnen verminderen door goed prestatiemanagement
Descending the job ladder is fine, except when you were ill : experimental evidence
The subsidy trap: Explaining the unsatisfactory effectiveness of hiring subsidies for the senior unemployed
A poisoned gift? The hireability signals of an income-support program for the senior unemployed
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
PROTOCOL : employee work motivation, effort, and performance under a merit pay system : a systematic review
Humanitarian networks planning during human-made disasters : Palestine as a case study
(2024) -
Ontological Foundations of Resilience
Staatssteun voor stikstofreductie: het flankerend PAS-beleid in Europees perspectief
Instrumental councillors? On the strategic interests that drive local councillors’ legitimacy perceptions of citizen participation
Van de Gemeenschap, voor de Gemeenschap
Gentse Gronden
(2024) p.1-84 -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Preface: Research on User Stories: Past, Present and Future
- Book Editor
- open access
Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering 2024. Short Paper Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Agile Methods for Information Systems Engineering (Agil-ISE 2024) co-located with the 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2024)
Palash Bera, Yves Wautelet and Geert Poels (UGent) -
Hello darkness my old friend: How policy learning can contribute to value destruction
Democratie is zoveel meer dan om de zoveel jaar een bol gaan kleuren
Als werknemers te veeleisend worden
Dispense de Pr P pour le travail en équipe et de nuit dans le secteur de l'intérim : à partir du 1er janvier 2025, 'l'accord' sera composé d'un contrat écrit et de déclarations spécifiques
BV-vrijstelling ploegen- en nachtarbeid in uitzendsector : ‘akkoord’ valt vanaf 1 januari 2025 uiteen in schriftelijke overeenkomst en specifieke verklaringen
Algemene verkorting Duitse kwijtscheldingstermijn naar 3 jaar : positief geëvalueerd voor consumenten
The wellbeing of left-behind children and migrant children under rural-urban migration in China
(2024) -
Expert involvement in action : examining academic expert dynamics in policy practice
Approaches for improving robustness in project scheduling with uncertain durations : proactive and reactive perspectives
(2024) -
When shareholder power kicks in : corporate financialization as ratchet behaviour and sticky payouts
Timetabling Belgian youth field hockey competitions with an incomplete round robin tournament
Sports timetabling : towards generic algorithms and performance insights
Minimal and fair waiting times for single-day sports tournaments with multiple fields
Fair integer programming under dichotomous preferences
How to organize a fair rogaining competition?
The Game of Thrones Quest for Optimality: A Role Playing Game for Teaching the Art of Linear Programming
- Journal Article
- open access
Grouping and scheduling multiple sports leagues: an integrated approach
Ontwikkeling van een AI-model voor de kamer voor ondernemingen in moeilijkheden bij de ondernemingsrechtbank
- Journal Article
- open access
Better data for budgetary surveillance: EU law on statistics as key to unlocking the potential of public sector accounting
Varieties of local participation? A vignette survey on local executive politicians’ legitimacy perceptions towards different participatory arrangements
Schulden vreemd aan de beroepsactiviteit
Qualité des parties dans le cadre du RGPD: responsable (conjoint) du traitement ou sous-traitant - Quels critères, implications et opportunités stratégiques?
Het vraagstuk van aansprakelijkheid onder de AVG: een analyse uit verschillende oogpunten
Facility logistics modeling and optimization in mixed-model assembly lines
(2024) -
Facilitating a protein shift : the influence of individual consumer characteristics, food-related factors, and context on food choices
(2024) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Jouw stem doet ertoe
Demographic change, secular stagnation, and inequality: automation as a blessing?
Exploring the Local Digital Transformation Lifecycle: Focus on Antecedents, Process, and Results
(2024) -
Skills-based medewerkersvrijwilligerswerk: what’s in it for HR?
(2024) -
A cooperative business model for a local tourism platform
From taxonomy to boilerplate development of a minimum viable sharing platform
From awareness to engagement : how supervisor behavior and CSR supportive climates drive employee CSR engagement
Hoe authentiek duurzaam ondernemen werknemers betrekt en motiveert