Doctoral Schools
13 publications
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Vragen uit België
- Journal Article
- open access
Een menswaardige bejegening van personen met internering
Long-term effects of hiring subsidies for low-educated unemployed youths
- Book Chapter
- open access
Overbevolking in Belgische gevangenissen. Wat brengt de toekomst?
Application of parametric shared frailty models to analyze time‑to‑death of gastric cancer patients
Oportunidades y retos de la enseñanza del derecho a personas privadas de la libertad en Colombia
COVID-19 and prisons in Latin America : the cases of Brazil and Colombia
(2022) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Tackling match-fixing with criminal law : Belgian case study
Sexual violence in LGB+ persons : results from the UN-MENAMAIS study in Belgium