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- 2025
- Data-efficient interactive multi-objective optimization using ParEGO (2025) Machine learning and principles and practice of knowledge discovery in databases : international workshops of ECML PKDD 2023 : revised selected papers, part III. In Communications in computer and information science p.519-526
- 2024
- Trieste: Efficiently exploring the depths of black-box functions with TensorFlow (2024) Workshop on Bayesian Decision-making and Uncertainty, 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024).
- Optimized Data Transmission for Radar-Based Edge-Cloud Human Activity Recognition via Quantization (2024) 2024 21st European Radar Conference (EuRAD). p.145-148
- Optimizing Memory Footprint for Radar-Based Human Activity Recognition on Resource-Constrained Devices (2024) 2024 21st European Radar Conference (EuRAD). p.141-144
- Towards trustworthy neural networks for certification by analysis : fuel tank flammability reduction system (2024) FrontUQ 2024, Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification 2024, Abstracts.
- Specification-oriented automatic design of topologically agnostic antenna structure (2024) COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, ICCS 2024, PT III. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14834. p.11-18
- Miniaturization-oriented design of spline-parameterized UWB antenna for in-door positioning applications (2024) COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, ICCS 2024, PT III. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14834. p.37-45
- Evaluation of machine learning models for received signal strength based visible light positioning with obstacles (2024) 2024 14TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, NETWORKS AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING, CSNDSP 2024. In International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing 521. p.318-323
- Lower confidence bound for preference selection in interactive multi-objective optimization (2024) GECCO '24 Companion : proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. p.339-342
- Surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithm for the calibration of distributed hydrological models based on two-dimensional shallow water equations (2024) WATER. 16(5).
- Wind turbine hybrid physics-based deep learning model for a health monitoring approach considering provision of ancillary services (2024) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT. 73.
- Multi-objective constrained robust design of a metamaterial vibration isolator with a limited budget (2024) JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN. 35(3). p.241-262
- Bayesian multi-objective optimization of process design parameters in constrained settings with noise : an engineering design application (2024) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS.
- Data-driven surrogate modeling for the flammability reduction system (2024) AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum. p.1-11
- Cheap-expensive multi-objective Bayesian optimization for permanent magnet synchronous motor design (2024) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 40(4). p.2143-2159
- 2023
- Optimization of plasma-assisted surface treatment for adhesive bonding via artificial intelligence (2023) 2nd International Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2022 : selected contributions of IAA 2022. In Proceedings in engineering mechanics p.47-64
- Cost-aware active learning for feasible region identification (2023) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE COMPANION, GECCO 2023 COMPANION. p.2286-2288
- {PF}²ES : parallel feasible pareto frontier entropy search for multi-objective Bayesian optimization (2023) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND STATISTICS, VOL 206. In Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 206. p.2565-2588
- Open-set patient activity recognition with radar sensors and deep learning (2023) IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. 20.
- A combined data-driven, experimental and modelling approach for assessing the optimal composition of impregnation products for cementitious materials (2023) CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES. 136.
- Bayesian optimization for microwave devices using deep GP spectral surrogate models (2023) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. 71(6). p.2311-2318
- A robust multi-objective Bayesian optimization framework considering input uncertainty (2023) JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION. 86(3). p.693-711
- Bi-objective Bayesian optimization of engineering problems with cheap and expensive cost functions (2023) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 39(3). p.1923-1933
- 2022
- Bayesian optimization : tutorial (2022) GECCO '22 : proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. p.844-863
- Tailoring radar-based patient monitoring models to real-life needs using utility maximization (2022) 2022 19TH EUROPEAN RADAR CONFERENCE (EURAD). In European Radar Conference EuRAD p.81-84
- SAMURAI : a new asynchronous Bayesian optimization technique for optimization-under-uncertainty (2022) AIAA JOURNAL. 60(11). p.6133-6156
- Multi-objective optimization : which solution do you prefer? (2022) Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Research Symposium 2022 (FEARS 2022), Abstracts.
- Data-efficient feasible region identification for engineering design (2022) Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Research Symposium 2022 (FEARS 2022), Abstracts.
- Surrogate modelling of dynamic phasor simulations of electrical drives (2022) IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
- Quantifying uncertainty in real time with split BiRNN for radar human activity recognition (2022) 2022 19TH EUROPEAN RADAR CONFERENCE (EURAD). In European Radar Conference EuRAD p.173-176
- S-parameter modeling and optimization using deep Gaussian processes (2022) 2022 24TH INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND RADAR CONFERENCE (MIKON).
- Automated software defect detection and identification in vehicular embedded systems (2022) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 23(7). p.6963-6973
- Finding knees in Bayesian multi-objective optimization (2022) PARALLEL PROBLEM SOLVING FROM NATURE - PPSN XVII, PPSN 2022, PT I. In Lecture notes in computer science 13398. p.104-117
- A robust Bayesian optimization framework for microwave circuit design under uncertainty (2022) ELECTRONICS. 11(14).
- Spectral representation of robustness measures for optimization under input uncertainty (2022) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MACHINE LEARNING, VOL 162. In Proceedings of machine learning research
- Bayesian active learning for radiation pattern sampling over cylindrical surfaces (2022) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 64(5). p.1391-1398
- Split BiRNN for real-time activity recognition using radar and deep learning (2022) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 12(1).
- Patient activity recognition using radar sensors and machine learning (2022) NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS. 34(18). p.16033-16048
- Adaptive sampling with automatic stopping for feasible region identification in engineering design (2022) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 38(suppl. 3). p.1955-1972
- 2021
- ESLA : a new surrogate-assisted single-loop reliability-based design optimization technique (2021) STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION. 63(6). p.2653-2671
- Multi-output Gaussian process prediction for computationally expensive problems with multiple levels of fidelity (2021) KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS. 227.
- Bayesian active learning for multi-objective feasible region identification in microwave devices (2021) ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 57(10). p.400-403
- Investigating the significance of adversarial attacks and their relation to interpretability for radar-based human activity recognition systems (2021) COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING. 202.
- 2020
- Batch Bayesian active learning for feasible region identification by local penalization (2020) 2020 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.2779-2790
- Multi-objective Bayesian optimization for engineering simulation (2020) High-performance simulation-based optimization. In Studies in Computational Intelligence 833. p.47-68
- Hierarchical Gaussian process models for improved metamodeling (2020) ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION. 30(4).
- A set based design method using bayesian active learning (2020) IDETC-CIE 2020, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Volume 11B: 46th Design Automation Conference (DAC), Proceedings.
- Fast characterization of input-output behavior of non-charge-based logic devices by machine learning (2020) ELECTRONICS. 9(9).
- A Bayesian optimisation procedure for estimating optimal trajectories in electromagnetic compliance testing (2020) ENGINEERING PROCEEDINGS. 3(1).
- Indoor human activity recognition using high-dimensional sensors and deep neural networks (2020) NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS. 32(16). p.12295-12309
- Bayesian active learning for electromagnetic structure design (2020) 2020 14TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION (EUCAP 2020). In Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
- Machine learning-based hybrid random-fuzzy modeling framework for antenna design (2020) 2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP). In Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation
- Multi-objective optimization of a wing fence on an unmanned aerial vehicle using surrogate-derived gradients (2020) STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION. 61(1). p.353-364
- 2019
- Active learning for feasible region discovery (2019) 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA). p.567-572
- MFITS : Bayesian active learning with support for continuous fidelity parameters and variable cost (2019) 6th ICML Workshop on Automated Machine Learning. p.1-8
- Data-efficient sensitivity analysis with surrogate modeling (2019) Uncertainty modeling for engineering applications. In PoliTO Springer Series p.55-69
- 2018
- Machine learning for fast characterization of magnetic logic devices (2018) 2018 IEEE ELECTRICAL DESIGN OF ADVANCED PACKAGING AND SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM (EDAPS 2018). In Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems Symposium p.1-3
- Structured inference networks using high-dimensional sensors for surveillance purposes (2018) ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORKS, EANN 2018. In Communications in Computer and Information Science 893. p.16-27
- Sequential sensitivity analysis of expensive black-box simulators with metamodelling (2018) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 61. p.668-681
- Data-efficient bayesian optimization with constraints for power amplifier design (2018) 2018 IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ELECTROMAGNETIC AND MULTIPHYSICS MODELING AND OPTIMIZATION (NEMO). p.1-3
- Indoor person identification using a low-power FMCW radar (2018) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING. 56(7). p.3941-3952
- 2017
- Surrogate modelling with sequential design for expensive simulation applications (2017) Computer simulation. p.173-192
- Surrogate modeling with sequential design for design and analysis of electronic systems (2017) 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTROMAGNETICS IN ADVANCED APPLICATIONS (ICEAA). p.1403-1406
- Multi-objective optimization of reflector antennas using kriging and probability of improvement (2017) 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION & USNC/URSI NATIONAL RADIO SCIENCE MEETING. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium p.985-986
- Deep Gaussian process metamodeling of sequentially sampled non-stationary response surfaces (2017) 2017 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.1728-1739
- GPflowOpt : a bayesian optimization library using tensorflow (2017) p.1-5
- Gaussian processes for history-matching : application to an unconventional gas reservoir (2017) COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES. 21(2). p.267-287
- A sequential sampling strategy for adaptive classification of computationally expensive data (2017) STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION. 55(4). p.1425-1438
- Constrained multi-objective antenna design optimization using surrogates (2017) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS. 30(6).
- Indoor tracking of multiple persons with a 77 GHz MIMO FMCW radar (2017) 2017 EUROPEAN RADAR CONFERENCE (EURAD). In European Radar Conference EuRAD p.61-64
- Multi-objective geometry optimization of a gas cyclone using triple-fidelity co-kriging surrogate models (2017) JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. 175(1). p.172-193
- A Kriging and stochastic collocation ensemble for uncertainty quantification in engineering applications (2017) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 33(4). p.935-949
- 2016
- Comparison study of PC and kriging based surrogate modeling (2016) p.1-1
- A comparative study of kriging variants for the optimization of a turbomachinery system (2016) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 32(1). p.49-59
- Hypervolume-based multi-objective bayesian optimization with student-t processes (2016) p.1-5
- Active learning for approximation of expensive functions with normal distributed output uncertainty (2016) p.1-3
- Multi-objective variable subset selection using heterogeneous surrogate modeling and sequential design (2016) 2016 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC). In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation p.1634-1641
- Random survival forests for predicting the bed occupancy in the intensive care unit (2016) COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE.
- Low-cost surrogate models for microwave filters (2016) IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 26(12). p.969-971
- Data-driven model based design and analysis of antenna structures (2016) IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION. 10(13). p.1428-1434
- Sensitivity analysis of expensive black-box systems using metamodeling (2016) 2016 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.578-589
- A hybrid sequential sampling based metamodelling approach for high dimensional problems (2016) 2016 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC). In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation p.1917-1923
- Building accurate radio environment maps from multi-fidelity spectrum sensing data (2016) WIRELESS NETWORKS. 22(8). p.2551-2562
- High dimensional Kriging metamodelling utilising gradient information (2016) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 40(9-10). p.5256-5270
- Adaptive modeling and sampling methodologies for Internet of Things applications (2016) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH MEDITERRANEAN ELECTROTECHNICAL CONFERENCE MELECON 2016. In IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference-MELECON p.1-5
- Efficient identification of a multi-objective pareto front on a wireless experimentation facility (2016) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS. 15(10). p.6662-6675
- Adaptive classification under computational budget constraints using sequential data gathering (2016) ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE. 99. p.137-146
- Optimization of silicon photonic components using multi-fidelity simulations and co-kriging (2016) 24th International Workshop on Optical Wave & Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
- Variance-based interaction index measuring heteroscedasticity (2016) COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS. 203. p.152-161
- Design space exploration using self-organizing map based adaptive sampling (2016) APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. 43. p.337-346
- Performance study of gradient-enhanced Kriging (2016) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 32(1). p.15-34
- Shape optimization of a cyclone separator using multi-objective surrogate-based optimization (2016) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 40(5-6). p.4248-4259
- 2015
- Cost-efficient modeling of antenna structures using Gradient Enhanced Kriging (2015) 2015 LOUGHBOROUGH ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION CONFERENCE (LAPC). p.1-5
- Constructing classifiers of expensive simulation-based data by sequential experimental design (2015) 2015 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.3166-3167
- A fuzzy hybrid sequential design strategy for global surrogate modeling of high-dimensional computer experiments (2015) SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. 37(2). p.A1020-A1039
- Machine learning methods to predict delayed graft function after kidney transplantation (2015) TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL. 28(suppl. 4). p.244-244
- Prediction of delayed graft function after kidney transplantation : comparison between logistic regression and machine learning methods (2015) BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING. 15.
- Variable-fidelity surrogate modelling with kriging (2015) 17th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering, Proceedings. p.514-518
- A matlab toolbox for kriging metamodelling (2015) Procedia Computer Science. 51. p.2708-2713
- Performance study of multi-fidelity gradient enhanced kriging (2015) STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION. 51(5). p.1017-1033
- Predictive modeling of delayed graft function after kidney transplantation using machine learning methods (2015) NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION. 30(suppl. 3).
- Predictive modelling of survival and length of stay in critically ill patients using sequential organ failure scores (2015) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE. 63(3). p.191-207
- Efficient global optimization of multi-parameter network problems on wireless testbeds (2015) AD HOC NETWORKS. 29. p.15-31
- 2014
- ooDACE toolbox: a flexible object-oriented Kriging implementation (2014) JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. 15. p.3183-3186
- Efficient multi-objective simulation-driven antenna design using Co-Kriging (2014) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 62(11). p.5900-5905
- Multi-objective design of antenna structures using variable-fidelity EM simulations and co-kriging (2014) Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. p.2884-2886
- Classification aided domain reduction for high dimensional optimization (2014) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.3928-3939
- On the use of gradients in kriging surrogate models (2014) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.2692-2701
- Efficient multi-objective optimization of wireless network problems on wireless testbeds (2014) 2014 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT (CNSM). p.212-217
- Genetic algorithm based multi-objective least square support vector machine for simultaneous determination of multiple components by near infrared spectroscopy (2014) SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. 34(3). p.638-642
- Environmental electromagnetic characterization framework for wearable antenna materials (2014) IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. p.311-312
- Sequential sampling algorithm for simultaneous near-field scanning of amplitude and phase (2014) IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. p.79-84
- Fast calculation of multiobjective probability of improvement and expected improvement criteria for Pareto optimization (2014) JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION. 60(3). p.575-594
- A constrained multi-objective surrogate-based optimization algorithm (2014) 2014 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC). p.3080-3087
- 2013
- The SUMO toolbox: a tool for automatic regression modeling and active learning (2013) Africon. p.1-4
- Harmonic balance surrogate-based immunity modeling of a nonlinear analog circuit (2013) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 55(6). p.1115-1124
- Efficient optimization of the integrity behavior of analog nonlinear devices using surrogate models (2013) 17th IEEE Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity. p.27-30
- Environmental high frequency characterization of fabrics based on a novel surrogate modelling antenna technique (2013) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 61(10). p.5200-5213
- Reliable reduced cost modeling and design optimization of microwave filters using co-kriging (2013) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS. 26(5). p.493-505
- Robust variable-fidelity optimization of microwave filters using co-Kriging and trust regions (2013) MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS. 55(4). p.765-769
- Variable-fidelity electromagnetic simulations and co-kriging for accurate modeling of antennas (2013) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION. 61(3). p.1301-1308
- An immunity modeling technique to predict the influence of continuous wave and amplitude modulated noise on nonlinear analog circuits (2013) The International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Proceedings. p.748-752
- Optimized sequential sampling algorithm for EMI near-field scanning (2013) The International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Proceedings. p.358-388
- Integrating rate based models into multi-objective optimisation of process designs using surrogate models (2013) 26th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy System, Proceedings. p.1-24
- Surrogate modeling of microwave structures using kriging, co-kriging, and space mapping (2013) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS. 26(1). p.64-73
- Reliable design closure of sonnet-simulated structures using co-kriging (2013) 29th Annual Review of the Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Proceedings. p.1002-1007
- Forward and inverse surrogate modeling of computationally expensive problems (2013)
- Identification of quasi-optimal regions in the design space using surrogate modeling (2013) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 29(2). p.127-138
- 2012
- Cost-efficient electromagnetic-simulation-driven antenna design using co-Kriging (2012) IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION. 6(14). p.1521-1528
- Variable-fidelity optimization of microwave filters using co-kriging and trust regions (2012) European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference. Proceedings. In European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference - Proceedings p.242-245
- Practical implementation of a sequential sampling algorithm for EMI near-field scanning (2012) The International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Proceedings. p.1-5
- Inverse modelling of an aneurysm's stiffness using surrogate-based optimization and fluid-structure interaction simulations (2012) STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION. 46(3). p.457-469
- Fast optimization of microwave filters using surrogate-based optimization methods (2012) 2012 International conference on electromagnetics in advanced applications (ICEAA). p.212-215
- Time domain analysis of a common-mode suppression filter subjected to a multi-objective optimization (2012) EMC Europe 2012, Proceedings. p.1-6
- Constrained multiobjective optimization of a common-mode suppression filter (2012) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 54(3). p.704-707
- Accurate modeling of antennas using variable-fidelity EM simulations and co-kriging (2012) 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Proceedings. p.1-3
- Reliable low-cost co-kriging modeling of microwave devices (2012) IEEE International Microwave Symposium, Proceedings. p.1-3
- Efficient simulation-driven design optimization of antennas using co-kriging (2012) IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. p.1-2
- Towards efficient multiobjective optimization: multiobjective statistical criterions (2012) IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
- Blind Kriging: implementation and performance analysis (2012) ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE. 49. p.1-13
- Sensitivity of night cooling performance to room/system design: surrogate models based on CFD (2012) BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT. 58. p.23-36
- Sensitivity of night cooling performance to room/system design: surrogate models based on CFD (2012) 5th International Building Physics Conference, Proceedings. p.777-784
- Two-level refined direct optimization scheme using intermediate surrogate models for electromagnetic optimization of a switched reluctance motor (2012) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 28(2). p.199-207
- 2011
- Automatic surrogate model type selection during the optimization of expensive black-box problems (2011) PROCEEDINGS : WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE. p.4269-4279
- An alternative approach to avoid overfitting for surrogate models (2011) PROCEEDINGS : WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE. p.2760-2771
- Kriging, co-kriging and space mapping for microwave circuit modeling (2011) 2011 41ST EUROPEAN MICROWAVE CONFERENCE. In European Microwave Conference p.444-447
- Inverse modelling of an aneurysm's stiffness using surrogate-based optimization of a three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction simulation (2011) CFD and optimization 2011 : an ECCOMAS thematic conference.
- Avoiding overfitting in surrogate modeling: an alternative approach (2011) Proceedings of the twentieth Belgian Dutch conference on machine learning. p.93-94
- 2010
- Complex permittivity characterization of textile materials by means of surrogate modelling (2010) IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
- A surrogate modeling and adaptive sampling toolbox for computer based design (2010) JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH. 11. p.2051-2055
- Surrogate-based infill optimization applied to electromagnetic problems (2010) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING. 20(5). p.492-501
- Surrogate-based modeling of electrical systems (2010) Advances in Modeling and Optimization of High Frequency Structures, Internationa workshop, Presentations.
- Inverse surrogate modeling: output performance space sampling (2010) AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, 13th conference, Proceedings.
- Elastic characterization of membranes with a complex shape using point indentation measurements and inverse modelling (2010) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE. 48(6). p.599-611
- Multiobjective global surrogate modeling, dealing with the 5-percent problem (2010) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 26(1). p.81-98
- 2009
- Automatic calibration of semi-distributed conceptual rainfall–runoff model using MOSCEM algorithm (2009) CIVILICA. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING.
- Automatic approximation of expensive functions with active learning (2009) Foundations of Computational Intelligence, volume 1 : learning and approximation. In Studies in Computational Intelligence 201. p.35-62
- Two-level refined direct method for electromagnetic optimization and inverse problems (2009) Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, 17th Conference, Posters.
- A novel hybrid active learning strategy for nonlinear regression (2009) The 18th Annual Belgian-Dutch conference on Machine Learning : proceedings of the conference. p.109-110
- Pareto-based multi-output metamodeling with active learning (2009) COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. 43. p.389-400
- Automated response surface model generation with sequential design (2009) CIVIL-COMP PROCEEDINGS. 92.
- Space-filling sequential design strategies for adaptive surrogate modelling (2009) CIVIL-COMP PROCEEDINGS. 92.
- Evolutionary regression modeling with active learning: an application to rainfall runoff modeling (2009) LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. 5495. p.548-558
- Pareto-based multi-output model type selection (2009) LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. In Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5572. p.442-449