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- 2021
- COVID-19 and phishing : effects of human emotions, behavior, and demographics on the success of phishing attempts during the pandemic (2021) IEEE ACCESS. 9. p.121916-121929
- A phishing mitigation solution using human behaviour and emotions that influence the success of phishing attacks (2021) UMAP '21 : Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. p.345-350
- A solution to minimise the success of phishing attempts using the effects of human behaviour and emotions on falling into a phishing scam (2021) IoTBDS 2021, 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data, and Security, Abstracts.
- Effects of email users' behaviour and demographics on respond to each step of a phishing attack (2021) ICCITS 2021, 15th International Conference on Communications and Information Technology Security, Abstracts.
- Phishing happens beyond technology : the effects of human behaviors and demographics on each step of a phishing process (2021) IEEE ACCESS. 9. p.44928-44949
- 2018
- Phishing attacks root causes (2018) RISKS AND SECURITY OF INTERNET AND SYSTEMS, CRISIS 2017. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10694. p.187-202
- 2017
- Cooperation techniques between LTE in unlicensed spectrum and Wi-Fi towards fair spectral efficiency (2017) SENSORS. 17(9).
- Benchmarking of localization solutions : guidelines for the selection of evaluation points (2017) AD HOC NETWORKS. 59. p.86-96
- 2016
- Data-driven model based design and analysis of antenna structures (2016) IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION. 10(13). p.1428-1434
- A hybrid sequential sampling based metamodelling approach for high dimensional problems (2016) 2016 IEEE CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION (CEC). In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation p.1917-1923
- High dimensional Kriging metamodelling utilising gradient information (2016) APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. 40(9-10). p.5256-5270
- Performance study of gradient-enhanced Kriging (2016) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 32(1). p.15-34
- 2015
- Cost-efficient modeling of antenna structures using Gradient Enhanced Kriging (2015) 2015 LOUGHBOROUGH ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION CONFERENCE (LAPC). p.1-5
- Pseudo-3D RSSI-based WSN localization algorithm using linear regression (2015) WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING. 15(9). p.1342-1354
- Variable-fidelity surrogate modelling with kriging (2015) 17th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering, Proceedings. p.514-518
- A matlab toolbox for kriging metamodelling (2015) Procedia Computer Science. 51. p.2708-2713
- Performance study of multi-fidelity gradient enhanced kriging (2015) STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION. 51(5). p.1017-1033
- 2014
- On the use of gradients in kriging surrogate models (2014) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 WINTER SIMULATION CONFERENCE (WSC). In Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings p.2692-2701
- 2011
- A linear regression based cost function for WSN localization (2011) 2011 19th International conference on software, telecommunications and computer networks (SoftCOM 2011).
- Automated linear regression tools improve RSSI WSN localization in multipath indoor environment (2011) EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING.
- Efficient space-filling and non-collapsing sequential design strategies for simulation-based modeling (2011) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. 214(3). p.683-696
- 2010
- Protection of cables by open-metal conduits (2010) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 52(4). p.1026-1033
- On the application of dimensional analysis to parametric macromodeling (2010) IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS. 20(4). p.190-192
- Multiobjective global surrogate modeling, dealing with the 5-percent problem (2010) ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS. 26(1). p.81-98
- 2009
- A novel hybrid active learning strategy for nonlinear regression (2009) The 18th Annual Belgian-Dutch conference on Machine Learning : proceedings of the conference. p.109-110
- Pareto-based multi-output metamodeling with active learning (2009) COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. 43. p.389-400
- Evolutionary regression modeling with active learning: an application to rainfall runoff modeling (2009) LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. 5495. p.548-558
- 2008
- Automatic regression modeling with active learning (2008) Proceedings of Benelearn 2008. p.53-54
- 2005
- Design and implementation of a secure media content delivery broker architecture (2005) ISWS '05 : proceedings of the 2005 international symposium on web services and applications. p.3-9
- IBBT-COPLINTHO Innovative communication platforms for interactive eHomeCare (2005) Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, ASWN 2005. p.131-135
- 2004
- Secure brokering of web services (2004) 5th FTW PHD Symposium, Interactive poster session, paper nr. 001 (proceedings available on CD-Rom).
- Veilig internetten: mission impossible? (2004) HET INGENIEURSBLAD (ANTWERPEN). 3. p.12-18
- Statistical correlation in an overmoded 2D lossless cavity (2004) 2004 URSI EMTS - International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory. p.822-824
- Two-dimensional method of moments modelling of lossless overmoded transverse magnetic cavities (2004) JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 198(1). p.326-348
- 2003
- Signal integrity predictions using a modified method of moments approach (2003) Proceedings of the 15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
- Fast shielding effectiveness prediction for realistic rectangular enclosures (2003) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 45(4). p.639-643
- 2002
- Modelled field statistics in two-dimensional reverberation chambers. (2002) INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 1. p.41-44
- Recovering lossy multiconductor transmission line parameters from impedance or scattering representations. (2002) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING. 25(2). p.200-205
- Modeling complex via hole structures. (2002) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING. 25(2). p.206-214
- 2001
- Recovering lossy multiconductor transmission line parameters from impedance or scattering representations. (2001) ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. p.35-38
- Modelling complex via hole structures (2001) ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. p.149-152
- Modeling differential via holes. (2001) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING. 24(3). p.357-363
- A new efficient MPIE formulation for modeling the shielding effectiveness of metallic enclosures (2001) Proceedings of the 14th International Zürich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 20-22 February 2001, Zürich, Switzerland, p. 1-4.
- Modelling complex via hole structures. (2001) Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging (EPEP 2001), October 29-31, 2001, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. p.149-152
- 2000
- Modelling differential via holes (2000) ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. p.127-130
- Modelling differential via holes. (2000) Proceedings of the IEEE 9th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging (EPEP 2000), 23-25 October 2000, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. p.127-130
- A signal integrity design tool for system interconnects. (2000) Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 1, 11-15 September 2000, Brugge, Belgium. p.655-658
- A two-dimensional model for reverberant chambers. (2000) Proceedings of the 4th European Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 1, 11-15 September 2000, Brugge, Belgium. p.269-273
- 1999
- Numerical and experimental study of the shielding effectiveness of a metallic enclosure. (1999) IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. 41(3). p.202-213
- 1998
- Approximate simulation of the shielding effectiveness of a rectangular enclosure with a grid wall. (1998) 1998 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY - SYMPOSIUM RECORD, VOLS 1 AND 2. p.1030-1034
- Fast evaluation of the shielding efficiency of rectangular shielding enclosures (1998) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 24-28 August Denver, Colorado, USA.
- Assessment of the shielding effectiveness or a real enclosure (1998) International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 14-18 September Rome, Italy. p.248-253
- 1997
- Comparison of FDTD and MoM for shielding effectiveness modelling of test enclosures. (1997) IEEE 1997 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY - SYMPOSIUM RECORD. p.596-601
- Full-wave sensitivity analysis of electric and dielectric waveguide structures. (1997) IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 1997, VOLS 1-4. p.490-493
- Theoretical and experimental determination of the shielding effectiveness of test enclosures (1997) Proceedings of the 12th International Zürich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 18-20 February Zürich, Switzerland. p.223-228
- Full-wave sensitivity analysis of electric and dielectric waveguide structures (1997) Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 1997, Vol. 1, 13-18 July Montreal, Canada. p.490-493
- Sensitivity based statistical analysis of circuit parameters obtained from a quasi-TEM analysis of multiconductor transmission lines. (1997) JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS. 11(11). p.1483-1508
- 1996
- Sensitivity based statistical analysis of multiconductor transmission lines in multilayered media (1996) IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM - 1996 DIGEST, VOLS 1-3. p.288-291
- Calculation of shape sensitivities and optimization of planar microstrip antennas using a full-wave analysis method (1996) IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM - 1996 DIGEST, VOLS 1-3. p.600-603
- 1995
- 1994
- Fast and accurate line parameter calculation of general multiconductor transmission lines embedded in multilayered bi-isotropic media (1994) Proc. of the PIERS 1994 Symposium, (full paper on CD-ROM), 11-15 July Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pp. 130.