% Data Storage Fact Sheet % Name/identifier study % Author: Stijn Vanheule % Date: 11/1/2017 1. Contact details =========================================================== 1a. Main researcher ----------------------------------------------------------- - name: Stijn Vanheule - address: H. Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent - e-mail: stijn.vanheule@ugent.be 1b. Responsible Staff Member (ZAP) ----------------------------------------------------------- - name: Stijn Vanheule - address: H. Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Gent - e-mail: stijn.vanheule@ugent.be If a response is not received when using the above contact details, please send an email to data.pp@ugent.be or contact Data Management, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. 2. Information about the datasets to which this sheet applies =========================================================== * Reference of the publication in which the datasets are reported: Singularnost in realno, ki ga ne moremo zapisati: Frege pri poznem Lacanu Stijn Vanheule UGent (2014) FILOZOFSKI VESTNIK. 35(1). p.131-147 * Which datasets in that publication does this sheet apply to?: all 3. Information about the files that have been stored =========================================================== 3a. Raw data ----------------------------------------------------------- * Have the raw data been stored by the main researcher? [x ] YES / [ ] NO If NO, please justify: * On which platform are the raw data stored? - [ x] researcher PC - [ ] research group file server - [ ] other (specify): ... * Who has direct access to the raw data (i.e., without intervention of another person)? - [x ] main researcher - [ ] responsible ZAP - [ ] all members of the research group - [ ] all members of UGent - [ ] other (specify): ... 3b. Other files ----------------------------------------------------------- * Which other files have been stored? - [ ] file(s) describing the transition from raw data to reported results. Specify: ... - [ ] file(s) containing processed data. Specify: ... - [ ] file(s) containing analyses. Specify: ... - [ ] files(s) containing information about informed consent - [ ] a file specifying legal and ethical provisions - [ ] file(s) that describe the content of the stored files and how this content should be interpreted. Specify: ... - [ ] other files. Specify: ... * On which platform are these other files stored? - [ ] individual PC - [ ] research group file server - [ ] other: ... * Who has direct access to these other files (i.e., without intervention of another person)? - [ ] main researcher - [ ] responsible ZAP - [ ] all members of the research group - [ ] all members of UGent - [ ] other (specify): ... 4. Reproduction =========================================================== * Have the results been reproduced independently?: [ ] YES / [x ] NO * If yes, by whom (add if multiple): - name: - address: - affiliation: - e-mail: v0.2